special school in in devakottai

Sports and Physical Exercises

It is given for building up their and energy and also express their talents in the competitive world

special school in devakottai


It is imported to improve their personality and self protection.

special school in karaikudi


It is used for spritual, Physical, mental and social wellbeing.

special school in sivagangai district


It is imported to improve their Physical, Sports and exercises.

special school in devakottai

special school in karaikudi

special school sivagangai district

special school in devakottai

special school in karaikudi

special school sivagangai district

special school in devakottai

special school in karaikudi

special school in sivagangai district

Our each child is given special attention by assigned teachers. The children are all the activies according to their abilities and evaluated in three terms per year. Also special school in devakottai,special school in karaikudi,special school in sivagangai district.

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